LATIUM : Freelancing is Online Jobs Platform Money Machine
| 8:47 AM

By On 8:47 AM

 Lаtіum Frееlаnсіng іѕ аn оnlіnе jobs platform where uѕеrѕ саn work & hіrе uѕіng dіgіtаl сurrеnсіеѕ ѕuсh аѕ Bitcoin and Ethеrеum. Register fоr Lаtіum now tо lаnd уоur first gіg, or tо ѕtаrt rесеіvіng live bids from ԛuаlіfіеd Frееlаnсеrѕ in mіnutеѕ! 

Lаtіum Frееlаnсіng аdаlаh platform реkеrjааn оnlіnе tеmраt pengguna dараt bеkеrjа & mеnуеwа mеnggunаkаn mata uаng digital ѕереrtі Bіtсоіn dаn Ethеrеum. Dаftаr Latium ѕеkаrаng untuk mеndараtkаn реrtunjukаn pertama Anda, аtаu untuk mulаі mеnеrіmа tawaran lаngѕung dаrі Freelancer yang mеmеnuhі ѕуаrаt dalam hitungan menit! 

Secara difinisi pribadi, latium sebuah flatform dimana ada pencari jasa dan penyedia jasa profeisonal.
bayarannyapun tidak main-main, muali dari 50-500 dollar, atau juga dibayar dengan BTC/Etherum atau mata uang crypto.

Tidak ada salahnya untuk mencoba menghasilakan tanpa biaya pendaftaran anda bisa melihat banyak penawaran dari para pencari jasa.

Hasilkan banyak uang jika anda punya kehlian dalam suatu bidang. Temukan disini sekarang.

KLIK DISINI untuk mendaftar.

7 Game PpSsPp Perang Terbaik (Tembak-Tembakan FPS & TPS) Untuk Dimainkan di PPSSPP
| 2:56 AM

By On 2:56 AM

Game PSP / PPSSPP Perang Terbaik - Kita semua Pastinya sudah mengetahui, kalau Game PPSSPP / PSP (PlayStation Portable) bertema Peperangan atau tembak tembakan dengan genre FPS, TPS, itu jumalahnya banyak. Dan karena inilah yang terkadang akan membuat kita merasa bingun, saat ingin bermain salah satu diantar game PPSSPP yang bertema perang, tapi malah tidak mengetahui sebaiknya mencoba yang mana terlebih dahulu dengan gameplay terbaik dan seru.

Karena hal itu saya membuat artikel yang berisi tentang daftar beberapa "Game PPSSPP / PSP Perang Terbaik" versi, dengan gameplay yang menurut saya seru juga bagus.

Game PPSSPP / PSP Bertema Perang Terbaik Untuk Dimainkan.

Catatan Penting: Game PPSSPP / PSP Perang Terbaik yang dimaksut disini bukan berdasarkan genre, tapi lebih ke game tembak-tembakan, dan yang saya rekomendasikan hanya beberapa saja yang berlatar di peperangan, seperti Call Of Dutty.

1. Resistance Retribution.
Game PPSSPP (PSP) Perang yang satu ini, sangat cocok untuk kamu yang menyukai game dengan story yang bagus dengan kontrol menembak yang tidak ribet. Kalian pasti tau kan, kalau main game FPS di PSP itu sedikit susah bagian kontrolnya.

Resistance Retribution menceritakan kisah James Grayson (Nama Karakter utama). Sebagai seorang Marinir Inggris, Grayson melakukan bagiannya dalam perang melawan Chimera ketika ia dan sepasang prajurit terhuyung-huyung di tengah-tengah proses konversi Chimera (yaitu seekor binatang yang mengubah manusia menjadi monster). Anak-anak mengeluarkan baddie pengawas tetapi menemukan bahwa orang yang dalam perjalanan untuk menjadi musuh sebenarnya adalah saudara laki-laki Grayson. Grayson membunuh saudaranya sendiri dan itu pada dasarnya melumpuhkan kehidupan Grayson karena dia tahu itu. Dia pergi AWOL dari dinas bersenjata dan memulai kampanye satu orang untuk meledakkan setiap pusat konversi yang bisa dia temukan. Setelah menghilangkan lebih dari 25 pangkalan musuh, Marinir mengejar Grayson (Review By IGN). Ini hanya hanya bagian awal dari alur ceritanya ya, untuk lenkapnya silakan mainkan sendiri.

2. Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Predator.
Ini merupakan salah satu game PPSSPP (PSP) perang yang paling saya suka mainkan, walaupun ini lebih ke genre TPS (Trird Person Shooter) Bukan FPS (First Person Shooter), tapi mempunyai grafis yang cukup bagus, kontrol yang lumayan ribet tapi mudah untuk bergerak dan menembak, dan gameplay yang menurut saya ringan, maksutnya bisa bermain dengan lebih santai, dan bisa tembak-tembakan secara diam-diam agar tidak diketahui, yang mana nanti membuat kamu bisa merasakan seperti bermain pakai seorang pasukan elit.

Di Ghost Recon Predator ini kamu akan bermain dengan mengendalikan satu regu yang terdiri dari tiga tentara ops khusus yang disebut "Ghost", yang berada di Sri Lanka untuk mencoba menetralisir situasi yang melibatkan kematian beberapa warga negara Amerika. Disini kamu hanya diberi tiga pria anggota untuk menyelesaikan setiap misi apa pun, dengan mengandalkan teknologi dan pelatihan yang unggul untuk mengatasi berbagai rintangan. Sebelum setiap melakukan misi kamu bisa memilih anggota skuad (memilih dari kelas-kelas seperti Sniper, pria Senjata Berat, dll), pakaian mereka dengan senjata dan peralatan, dan, jika tersedia, pilih titik penyisipan Anda.

3. Call Of Dutty: Road To Vitory.
Jika kamu benar-benar menyukai game PPSSPP bertema perang, saya lebih sarankan untuk mencoba yang ini duluan, sebelum yang lain, karena game "Call Of Dutty: Road To Vitory" ini mempunyai 14 misi, dan berlatar pada perang tahun 1940-an, yang akan membuat kamu merasakan ganasnya peperang pada masa itu, di saat memainkannya. Selain itu kualitas dari gameplay dan storynya juga cukup bagus, dan untuk kontrolnya sendiri menggunakan FPS (First Person Shooter), yang mana tombol "Kotak", "Segitiga", "Bulat", "X", menjadi tombol arah untuk melihat ke atas bawah kiri kanan, (fungsinya sama seperti analog kanan stik ps2).

4. SOCOM: US Navy SEAL Fireteam Bravo 3.
Game SOCOM sebenarnya memiliki 3 seri untuk PSP, tapi yang terbaik adalah yang satu ini (pendapat pribadi). Pada SOCOM: US Navy SEAL Fireteam Bravo 3 kamu akan bermain sebagai seorang bernama wraith, yang menjadi pemimpin pasukan khusus SEAl, yang akan melakukan berbagai misi yang sangat rahasia melawan sekelompok pemberontak atau semacamnya diberbagai tempat, seperti menyusup ke gedung-gedung, menyelinap melawati jalan-jalan sempit, melintasi pos-pos didaerah bersalju, hutan, dan terlibat dalam pertempuran kota yang panas.

Salah satu yang saya suka dari SOCOM: US Navy SEAL Fireteam Bravo 3 yaitu, dalam permainannya kamu dapat bermain sambil memerintah tim mu secara bebas sebagai kapten, untuk menyuruh mereka melakukan berbagai hal saat menjalakan misi, seperti bergerak ke arah tertentu, menyerang penjaga, membersikan jalan, dan lain-lain, namun bukan berarti saat memainkannya hanya sekedar memerintah tim untuk melakukan semuanya, tapi kamu juga bisa melakukannya sendiri.

5. Brothers in Arms D-day.
Bagi yang ingin bermain Brothers in Arms D-day menggunakan emulator PPSSPP di android atau pc, sebaiknya pikir-pikir dulu, karena game ini lumayan berat dan kadang masih ada sedikit bug.

Walaupun menurut saya tidak sebagus Call Of Dutty: Road To Vitory tapi ini adalah salah satu game PPSSPP perang yang bisa kamu coba. Brothers in Arm D-day adalah game PPSSPP FPS (First Person Shooter), yang dimana kamu akan bermain menjadi, Matt Baker dan Joe Hartsock, ketika mereka memimpin pasukan mereka, "saudara-saudara seperjuangan," melalui pedesaan Prancis. Di Brothers in Arm D-day ini, kamu bermain tanpa mempunyai HP/darah, namun bukan berarti tidak bisa mati saat ditembak ya, tapi layar berubah menjadi merah jika ditembak dan perlaha-lahan akan mati jika tidak berlindung untuk sementara. Selain itu juga memiliki sistem check poin, yang nanti membuat kamu tidak perlu mengulangi dari awal jika mati ditengah jalan pada saat ingin menyelesaikan level/misinya, dan juga disini kamu akan dalam grup bersama prajurit yang bisa kamu kendalikan.

6. N.O.V.A - Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance.
Jika kebanyakan game PPSSPP perang itu berlatar pada perang dunia atau di perkotaan, namun untuk NOVA ini agak sedikit berbeda, yang saya maksut adalah, kamu disini akan bermain di luar angkasa, di planet lain atau stasiun luar angkasa, melawan alien dan pasukan musuh dengan menggunakan berbagai tipe senjata (Seperti: Granat, Pistol, Senapan Serbu, Senapan Plasma, dan Peluncur Roket. Bukan cuma itu, NOVA yang satu ini juga lumayan mudah dimainkan, dengan kontrol yang sederhana, dan mempunyai fitur auto aim yang memudahkan kamu saat menembak sasaran.

Di N.O.V.A - Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance kamu akan menjadi pensiunan Space Marine dengan nama yang tidak biasa "Kal Wardin." Saat bermalas-malasan di salah satu tempat di ruang angkasa, suatu hari di planet rumah pensiun kamu, kamu secara tak terduga dipanggil kembali untuk bertugas. Hal berikutnya yang terjadi, kamu berada di pesawat ulang-alik yang terbang untuk menyelidiki pesawat terlantar ini.

7. Valkyria Chronicles 3.
Sebenarnya ini adalah game PPSSPP bergenre RPG taktis, tapi karena ada tembak-tembakannya, walau dalam mode Turn Base (Mennyerang Secara Bergiliran), dan ada sedikit tema perangnya, karena itu saya menambahkan ke daftar rekomendasi ini. Valkyria Chronicles 3 menjadi pilihan yang cocok, untuk yang ingin bermain game perang dan rpg taktis sekaligus. Valkyria Chronicles 3 mempunyai grafis 3D saat dalam permainannya, jadi akan lebih menarik untuk dilihat, tidak seperti kebanyakan game PSP Tactical yang hanya 2D.

Valkyria Chronicles 3 PPSSPP (PSP) adalah yang terbaik saat dibandingkan dengan seri pertama dan kedua. Dan screenhot yang saya pakai dari seri kedua, karena gameplaynya sedikit mirip, walau karakter, map, grafis, sedikit berbeda.

Untuk sementara cukup 7 itu saja dulu yang saya rekomendasikan walau ada yang lainnya seperti Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker, tapi nanti kapan-kapan akan diupdate lagi.

(Update 2021) Cara Mengatasi Black Screen, Layar Kedap Kedip, Lag Pada PPSSPP
| 2:54 AM

By On 2:54 AM

Bagi orang yang baru mencoba memainkan game-game menggunakan PPSSPP mungkin akan sering mengalami black screen atau layar kedap kedip, atau lag saat memainkan game, dan tidak tau bagaimana cara mengatasinya.
(Isi dari tutorial ini telah di UPDATE Pada Januari 2020).

Oleh karena itu saya akan memberikan sebuah tutorial cara mengatasi black screen, layar kedap kedip dan mengurangi lag. Tapi sebelum itu jika kamu belum mengetahui seperti apa itu black screen dan lag itu seperti apa, silakan baca penjelasan sederhana saya di bawah ini.

Seperti apa black screen?? 
Jika kamu memainkan game pada PPSSPP dan saat awal kamu mainkan yang muncul cuma layar hitam, tidak ada tampilan menu seperti pada game-game umumnya, tapi kamu masih mendengar suaranya dan masih bisa menekan tombol-tombolnya seperti start, segi3, kotak, X. Nah itu dia yang sebut black screen / layar hitam.

Seperti apa layar kedap kedip? 
Saat memainkan game namun layar pada ppsspp mati hidup/kedap kedip ada gambar lalu cuma layar hitam lalu ada gambar lagi dan terjadinya berkali-kali dan secara cepat.

Seperti apa itu lag? 
Untuk mengetahui yang satu ini cukup mudah, jika saat kamu memainkan game lalu gerakannya patah-patah atau slow motion, itu yang di sebut lag.

Jika kamu sudah mengetahui seperti apa itu black screen, layar kedap kedip dan lag maka langsung saja saya memberikan tutorial cara mengatasinya.
PEMBERITAHUAN: untuk lag saya cuma akan memberikan cara untuk menguranginya saja di karenakan ada beberapa game ppsspp yang tidak bisa di atasi lagnya, dan juga tergantung dari kemampuan HP/Komputer kamu. 

Cara Mengatasi Black screen dan layar kedap kedip. 
(Informasi Tutorial pada Artikel ini telah di perbahrui isinya pada juni 2019 dan di sesuaikan dengan ppsspp terbaru).
Black screen pada ppsspp adalah masalah yang paling sering terjadi, dan untuk tutorial pertama tama silakan kamu buka aplikasi PPSSPP kemudian masuk menu Pengaturan ->> Tampilan, disini kamu akan lihat pengaturan mode lalu ubah modenya ke "buffered rendering" atau "non buffered" karena pengaturan ini yang buat paling sering terjadinya layar hitam saat kamu memainkan game. Jika saat kamu main game dan layarnya hitam silakan ubah modenya dari "buffered rendering" ke "non buffered" atau sebaliknya, cara ini adalah yang paling efektif untuk mengatasi layar hitam.

Cara mengatasi layar kedap kedip.
Ini sebenarnya masalah yang susah di atasi dan masalah ini lebih sering muncul jika kamu pilih mode "non buffered" dan frameskip 1 ke atas, untuk cara mengatasinya silakan atur framskip ke 0 atau ubah mode ke "buffered rendering", cara paling efektif menggunakan cara ini namun speed game akan turun.  Nanti akan saya update lagi jika menemukan yang lebih efektif.

Cara mengurangi lag PPSSPP. 
Nah yang ini saya akan bahas sedikit cara mengurangi lag pada ppsspp, saya tidak menjamin kalau cara yang saya bagikan ini 100% membuat game yang kamu mainkan jadi lancar, karena ada beberapa game yang sangat lag walaupun di ubah settingannya.

Pertama kamu masuk menu pengaturan tampilan lalu cari "tampilkan penghitung fps" lalu ubah dari "tidak" jadi "keduanya", fungsinya untuk melihat speed dan fps saat kamu memainkan game, minimal agar lancar fps 15 atau lebih speed 95%-100%.

Untuk mengurangi lag silakan coba settingan tampilan ini. MODE pilih non buffered, fungsinya setahu saya saat mode non buffered maka resolusi gamenya akan di sesuaikan dengan resolusi HP / Komputer kamu. Frame skip pilih 0 atau 1 atau 2, fungsi untuk meningkatkan speed tapi fps turun. Auto frameskip di centang. Rendering resolusion pilih 2x untuk HP untuk Komputer pilih 3x 4x atau 5x. Untuk bagian lainnya silakan di biarkan saja, tapi jika kamu ingin mengubahnya silakan saja, tidak perlu takut karena tidak akan terjadi apa-apa.

Pengaturan sistem. Perhatikan gambar di bawah ini, untuk bagian memori cepat silakan di centang, untuk multi-thread dan I/O pada thread silakan di centang juga. Ganti clock cpu, saya kurang tahu fungsinya untuk apa tapi dari beberapa orang yang saya tanya katanya akan membuat game jadi lebih lancar jika di ubah jadi 40-60. Untuk settingan lainnya di biarkan saja.

BONUS Cara mengatasi FC saat bermain game menggunakan PPSSPP. 
Apa itu FC? Contoh FC / Force Close, jika kamu pakai smartphone android kamu pasti sudah pernah mengalaminya, pada saat memainkan game atau menggunakan aplikasi. Contohnya saat kamu lagi bermain game modern combat 4 dan saat lagi seru-serunya tiba-tiba gamenya tertutup dan kemabali ke HOME dan muncul pemberitahuan (saya lupa pemberitahuannya seperti apa) terkadang juga tidak ada pemberitahuan. Kurang lebih seperti itulah FC / Force Close.

Pada PPSSPP pun sering terjadi, tapi tenang ada cara mengatasinya. Caranya masuk menu pengaturan ->> sistem, perhatikan "multi thread" dan "I/O pada thread" untuk cara mengatasi FC kamu hanya perlu tidak mencentang pengaturan ini, walapun pengaturan ini membuat sedikit lebih lancar PPSSPP. Jika masih mengalami FC jangan centang "memori cepat" tapi resikonya game yang kamu mainkan jadi sedikit lambat.

Membuat Tombol Switch Dark Mode Keren di Blogger
| 7:59 PM

By On 7:59 PM

Dark Mode atau biasa dengan dengan Mode Malam merupakan fitur yang dimana dapat membuat sebuah website atau aplikasi menjadi tampilan gelap. Biasanya fitur ini sering dijumpai di aplikasi atau website medial sosial seperti Youtube, Facebook, dan Twitter. 


Namun seiring berkembangnya zaman, banyak programmer yang ahli coding membuat script yang dapat berfungsi sebagai Dark Mode atau Mode malam ini. 


Kini Dark Mode ini bisa dipasang di website atau blog pribadi, salah satu contoh nya di Blogger. Jika kamu memiliki blog pribadi dan ingin mempercantik tampilan lamannya, mungkin dengan menambahkan fitur Dark Mode ini bisa menjadi pertimbangan untuk kamu. 


Di tutorial kali ini, penulis akan membagikan sedikit tutorial Cara Membuat Tombol Dark Mode di Blogger. Jika kamu tertarik dengan fitur ini, kamu bisa langsung simak tutorial berikut ini. 


Cara Membuat Dark Mode di Blogger 


1. Log in ke akun Blogger kamu – pilih Tema – Edit HTML. 




2. Copy dan Pastekan kode di bawah ini sebelum kode ]]></b:skin> atau </style> 




/* Night Mode */ 

.switch { 

position: relative; 

display: inline-block; 

width: 60px; 

height: 20px; 

.switch input {display:none;} 

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position: absolute; 

cursor: pointer; 

top: 0; 

left: 0; 

right: 0; 

bottom: 0; 

background-color: #bdc3c7; 

-webkit-transition: .4s; 

transition: .4s; 

.slider:before { 

position: absolute; 

content: ""; 

height: 20px; 

width: 20px; 

background-color: white; 

-webkit-transition: .4s; 

transition: .4s; 

input:checked + .slider { 

background-color: #1d2129; 

input:focus + .slider { 

box-shadow: 0 0 1px #2196F3; 

input:checked + .slider:before { 

-webkit-transform: translateX(40px); 

-ms-transform: translateX(40px); 

transform: translateX(40px); 

/* Rounded sliders */ 

.slider.round { 

border-radius: 20px; 

.slider.round:before { 

border-radius: 50%; 

.Night #wrapper {background:#1d2129;} 

.Night #HTML3 {background:#1d2129;} 

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.Night .share-this-pleaseeeee {background:#1d2129;} 

.Night #label-info-th {background:#1d2129;} 

.Night body {background:#1d2129;} 

.Night .post-body {color:#cccccc} 

.Night #baca-juga h2 {color:#cccccc;background:#1d2129} 

.Night .label-info-th a {color:#cccccc;background:#1d2129} 

.Night li.recent-posts a{color:#cccccc} 

.Night .recent-posts-title h2{color:#cccccc} 

.Night .Recent_Post_Mas_Tamvan .recent-post-mas-tamvan span.mastamvan_title a{color:#cccccc} 

.Night span.mastamvan_title a .Recent_Post_Mas_Tamvan .recent-post-mas-tamvan {color:#cccccc;background:#1d2129} 

.Night .Recent_Post_Mas_Tamvan .recent-post-mas-tamvan .widget-content {color:#cccccc;background:#1d2129} 

.Night .post-info {color:#cccccc} 

.Night {background:#1d2129;} 

.Night a {color:#cccccc} 

.Night .post-title {color:#cccccc} 

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.Night .post-snippet {color:#cccccc} 


3. Pastekan JavaScript di bawah ini sebelum kode </body> 









4. Terakhir masukan kode pemanggil di bawah ini. Untuk penempatannya bisa kamu sesuaikan dengan keinginan kamu. Contoh, disini penulis akan menempatkan kode pemanggilnya di bagian header blog. 


<li><br/><label class='switch' for='Night'> 

<input id='Night' type='checkbox'/> 

<div class='slider round'/> 


5. Klik Simpan. 


Berikut adalah tampilan Tombol Switch Dark Mode yang telah terpasang di blogger. 

Buzzbreak - Aplikasi baca berita dan nonton dibayar cash
| 3:19 PM

By On 3:19 PM

Metode penarikan yang fleksibel bisa via Dana, Tf Bank atau dijadikan Pulsa.

Cara mendapatkan coin juga ga sulit. Tidak ada salahnya dicoba kan gaes... 

Saya mendapatkan uang nyata hanya dengan membaca dan menonton di BuzzBreak! Gabung dengan saya dengan menggunakan link rujukan: Untuk mendapatkan bonus ekstra, masukkan kode rujukan saya B40331347 setelah anda mulai menggunakannya! Unduh dari Google Play untuk memenangkan hadiah besar!
Link Download 

Cashzine - aplikasi baca dan bermain dibayar cash
| 3:18 PM

By On 3:18 PM

Cashzine adalah aplikasi gaya hidup yang hari untuk berinteraksi dengan teman.

Cashzine adalah aplikasi gaya hidup yang menghasilkan buzz setiap hari untuk berinteraksi dengan teman. Gosip hiburan, trik hidup, dll. Dengan mempelajari big data dan teknologi AI, semua topik sangat sesuai dengan preferensi Anda, dapatkan topik berkualitas tinggi untuk keduanya dari Anda untuk menyenangkan hidup.

Masukan kode Undangan saya untuk mendapatkan 8000 Coin Gratis.

Buka kode undangan saya

Masukan kode 26507519 seperti di gambar

Trima Kasih :)

 How To Build Your Knowledge In Digital Marketing With Online Courses, Easy Steps To Follow ?
| 9:22 AM

By On 9:22 AM

Finally I found a way to convert my knowledge in traditional marketing into digital marketing skills. 


You will be surprised if you know how easy and fun it is. 


I want to take you through my personal experience, it won't be long, don't worry. 


I came from Italy two years ago, after I finished my degree course in marketing. 


I wanted to find more job opportunities in England, because I think here every business is marketing orientated and as you can't do marketing without knowing English. 


I though that with my degree I could find some profession in marketing. 


Although I have done many job interviews with different companies and agencies I didn't find the right role for me. 


I realize that, the skills that the companies wants now are different from the skills that I have learnt during my degree course, for the reason that all the companies are digital orientated. 


I decided then to find a way to learn how to get into digital. 


I am going to share with you how to switch your knowledge from traditional into digital, all the information I give you come from my personal experience, so are already tested. 


So let me give you a quick guide on how to covert your traditional marketing education into digital. 


When we are done you will know exactly how to start looking for a real improvement in your career. Ready? Let's start. 


Step 1 


Search on Google for a course that allows you to learn both theoretical and practical knowledge. 


With a Google search with the right keywords you will find a lot of courses, for example you could search for 'digital marketing course plus internship', or 'digital marketing course for graduates'. 


When you think you found the course that fits for you, read some reviews to make sure you are doing the right choice, you can call their costumer service to let them explain how the course is structured. 


When you find the course that satisfy your needs you can start to convert your traditional skills into digital skills. 


Based on my persona experience, I found the ' Osborne training' digital marketing course, it was exactly what I was looking for, a course organised in two sections, the live class section and a period of internship with a digital marketing agency. 


Step 2 


When you start the course you will understand the difference between digital marketing and traditional marketing, exploring the basis of digital marketing and the main tools to become a digital marketer. 


According to my experience after the course enrolment I started the online live classes with a private tutor who guided me from the marketing basis to the search engine marketing, digital marketing tools to advertise a company and the marketing strategy to build a business. 


I have learnt how to use tools such as Google AdWords, Google AdSense, Facebook Ads and how to create and send marketing e-mails. 


With the knowledge of this tools you can now boldly get into the digital marketing world, the more you practice and the more you better understand how to deal with the different scenarios you would face. 


Step 3 


You're almost done! 


Now that you finally have understanding in how to use the main digital marketing tools, you are ready to use them. 


How to start though? 


Normally to use this tools you should have a business, a web site or a Facebook page that you want advertise. 


The easiest way to start, if you don't have a business to promote, is to create a Facebook page and try to build awareness of it. 


Facebook offers a platform, called 'Facebook advert manager', to advertise your own page, business or website, it's easy and fun to practice. 


If you choose a digital marketing course which allows you to do an internship or a work experience, you could practice and be guided into the responsibilities. 


Going back to my personal experience, after the theoretical part I have done the Internship programme, which consist in a period of 3 months work experience made up of doing the task that a digital marketer would deal on a daily basis routine. 


Duties like managing a blog, developing and managing digital marketing campaigns to raise brand awareness, tracking conversion rates and making improvements to the website, designing strategies to drive traffic to the company website, utilising techniques including paid search, SEO and PPC. 


After completing all this tasks I got the skills to start looking to find a job as digital marketer! 


That is the path I followed to convert my knowledge in traditional marketing into digital skills. 


Are you ready to start the conversion? Don't waste anymore time, find the course that fits for you and begin to learn something useful to your career. 

 How to Find the Best Digital Marketing Agency ?
| 9:21 AM

By On 9:21 AM

In order to find the best digital marketing agency, first, we need to understand "what is digital marketing", "will digital marketing benefit your business" and answer the question "how do I get more leads for my business?" - which should be the purpose of any marketing. 


What is a Digital Marketing Agency? 

The dictionary definition of Digital marketing is the marketing of products or services using digital technologies, mainly on the internet, but also including mobile phones, display advertising, and any other digital medium. So simple to summarise in one sentence, yet it can be a complicated process to get right and to ensure that all of your digital marketing is working together, not as silo activities. This is where the expertise and experience of the best digital marketing agencies can be hugely beneficial. 


Traditional advertising, newspapers and paper directories, such as Yellow Pages, are increasingly less effective for businesses. Whilst a few years ago people would go to a computer to search for a product or service, nowadays people are connected to the internet all day, every day and "live online". Looking for information, a product or service is as quick and simple as searching on a laptop or computer at work or picking up their mobile telephone or tablet. Digital marketing focuses on getting your information, products and services in front of people when they are looking online. The best digital agencies understand the buying process of your products and services and ensure that your information is prominent to the potential customer at the appropriate time. In the digital marketing world, the various stages of the buying process i.e. research, consideration and purchase are called "micro-moments" and the very best digital marketing agency will present the relevant information, service or product at the targeted time in the buying process. 


Whilst some digital marketing agencies will also create and manage traditional advertising or business marketing, such as newspaper advertising, specialist digital marketing agencies will concentrate on online marketing as opposed to "marketing companies" who commonly concentrate on TV, radio and print marketing. 


Regardless if your business is business-to-business (B2B) or business-to-consumer (B2C), digital marketing can be a fast, often instant, and reliable way of getting leads into your business and driving up revenue. The very best digital marketing agencies will manage all of the digital advertising based on return on investment (ROI) ensuring the leads generated are at a cost that makes business sense and increases profit levels. Digital marketing will benefit your business and answers the question "how do I get more leads for my business"? 


Digital marketing, sometimes referred to as website marketing, can be broken down into a number of important features and services: 


SEO Services 

Search engine optimisation, most commonly abbreviated to "SEO", is the process of getting your website found on search engines like Google when people make a search relevant to your business, services or products. 


Regardless if your website is e-Commerce or selling services it will drive leads and sales into your business if it is found for the search terms people use (often referred to as "keywords") to look for them in Google. 


SEO requires experience and understanding of how Google reads your website. What messages and information you want Google to read for a webpage or website and knowing where to place that information so search engines can find it. A good SEO company will have a proven track record of ranking websites high in the search results. 


SEO works best when the proven methods of obtaining rankings are applied in conjunction with latest trends that are driving traffic. An example of this is the "near me" phenomenon, which has seen a 150% growth in the last 12 months, where mobile phone users are adding "near me" to their search query i.e. "SEO Company near me". These customers are looking to buy and buy from a local service or product supplier. 


Although SEO can be a stand-alone service, it is most effective when combined with PPC, social media and reputation marketing. SEO is also the cornerstone of effective PPC, social media and reputation management campaigns. 


Pay Per Click 

Pay Per Click (PPC) often referred to as "Google Advertising" or "online advertising" is where you position adverts at the top of the search results for specific search terms. These search terms can be the words people use when in the "research" phase of making a purchase or targeted at the "buying keywords" when potential customers are looking to buy. 


Although your advert, depending on your budget, can be shown every time a search is made, you only pay when an internet user clicks on your advert and is taken to your website or calls you direct from the search results page meaning you only pay when you get a click from a potential customer hence the name for this form of marketing of Pay Per Click (often abbreviated to PPC). 


How much you pay for each click is determined by a few factors. The "cost per click" (abbreviated to CPC) is determined by the quality and relevancy of the advert to the search term being used and the relevancy of the page on your website that the potential customer land on. These factors contribute to your overall "quality score". The higher your quality score, the less you pay per click and less you pay per lead into your business. 


In the UK, Google has the vast majority of search traffic and most of your budget should be placed their, however, you will not want to miss the smaller, yet still considerable potential for customers from search engines like Microsoft's Bing platform, and a small part of the budget should be allocated to other search engines. Also, the very best PPC management companies will also discuss spreading your PPC budget over a number of campaigns aimed at different parts of the customer journey. A small part of the budget should be allocated to the research stage of the buying process when people are using broad search terms to find information, a small part of the budget when people are searching for yours, your competitors or market leaders company name. The majority of the budget when potential customers are using search terms directly related to making a purchase and lastly, a small part of the budget to re-market (show your advertising to people who have shown an interest in your services or products by visiting your website) to capture and drive up conversions from the customers previously advertised too. 


The best PPC Agency will be a Google Premier Partner. A Google Premier Partner status indicates that the company has a proven track record in delivering high-quality campaigns, which generate good competitive/low CPC's and deliver high and positive ROI's. The very best PPC agency will have a robust PPC management process in place to quickly react and capitalise on changes in the PPC campaigns of your competitors. 


Unlike SEO, that can take some time to be fully effective, Pay Per Click is instant in the fact that as soon as your campaigns are live they can be generating leads for your business. 


PPC is highly effective when carried out in unison with SEO. A well-optimised website will improve the quality score of your Google advertising campaigns resulting in a reduced "cost per click" meaning you get more leads for your budget. 


Social Media Marketing 

Social Media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter are now legitimate places for a business to attract leads. Facebook has over 38 MILLION active and regular users in the UK and the number is anticipated to rise to over 42 MILLION by 2020. Regardless if your business sells to consumers or other businesses, your potential customers are on Facebook and using it often. 


Facebook is excellent at raising awareness during the customers "research" stage, reminding them of your services or products during the "consideration" stage and putting your specific products in front of potential customers at the "buying" stage. With such a large audience and the flexibility to target customers throughout the buying process, Facebook can be a good avenue to generate leads and sales and to deliver a great return on investment. 


A good digital marketing agency will have a proven track record in delivering highly effective Facebook advertising campaigns. The very best digital marketing agencies will be able to demonstrate the conversion rate and cost per lead of your social media marketing. 


Again, social media marketing and specifically Facebook marketing can be carried out as a stand-alone activity however it works so much better when combined with SEO and/or PPC. When a potential customer visits your website their computer is marked as having visited. This then allows you to target the user of that computer, who has shown an interest in your products or services. 


Reputation Management 

When considering making a purchase, a potential customer will scour the internet to find feedback and reviews from previous customers. Your online marketing and sales can live or die by the reviews for your business, services or products. Ensuring that positive reviews are easy to find and that any negative feedback is managed well, can be a huge benefit to your conversion rate. 


Digital marketing companies call this "reputation management" or "online reputation management" however, in reality, it is creating systems to generate customer reviews and customer feedback ensuing positive customer satisfaction is captured and easy to find for potential customers. 


Many businesses are concerned with allowing the public the ability to openly provide feedback. You cannot please all of the people all of the time, and companies worry that a bad review will have a negative impact on their business. Firstly, if someone is determined to leave a bad review for your business they will find a platform to do so and there are 1000's of platforms to choose from. It is better to have control of where customers are encouraged to leave a review. Secondly, a poor or bad review, if managed well, can be a positive for your business. Engaging with a bad review highlights that you care about feedback and subsequently, you care about your customers. One well managed bad review can be as good for your business ten good reviews. 


A good digital marketing company will use one of the handful of recognised review platform and provide the tools and means of allowing you to capture, manage and respond to customer reviews. 


 Revolution of Digital Marketing 2021
| 9:19 AM

By On 9:19 AM

What is digital marketing? 

Today nearly 80% of all the media that we consume come through digital channels. Massive internet usage and digital media has given rise to a new marketing concept called Digital Marketing. It is a broad area and considered to be the future of business development. 


Digital Marketing is the most commonly used term for online marketing and it has several advantages over traditional offline marketing. With the help internet and mobile devices customer these days have access to information from anywhere in the world. Marketers these days use digital tactics to attract and convert audiences online. 


This new age marketing methods helps to gain good reputation which is essential for a business to survive. It is the best way to reach out to your targeted audience. With the help of digital marketing one can reach many customers at a very little marketing budget. Unlike traditional methods you can measure the success of digital marketing campaigns with the help of analytical tools. Ever year more and more marketers put aside traditional marketing and focus on this approach. Successful marketing campaigns can be accomplished by integrating traditional methods with the digital marketing techniques. 


Common methods of digital marketing 


Email Marketing 


This is one of the commonly used methods of online marketing. Email marketing enhances business communication, cost effective and Eco-friendly. By this method a message could be sent to a group of people by the use of electronic mail. 


It is an efficient way to stay connected with your audience while promoting your business and also one of the easiest ways to reach your target audience. 


Search Engine Optimization 


It is an organic way of optimizing your online content to improve the ranking of your website on the search engine. 


There are a lot of factors involved in ranking of a website such as title, keywords, relevance etc. SEO helps to ensure that your site is accessible and improve the chances of being found by the search engine. It is classified into two types on page and off page optimization. On page optimization is achieved through careful distribution of keywords and the quality of content on your site. Off page optimization involves factors that are beyond the control of your website. The primary goal of link building is to get other websites links to yours to improve SEO. 


Search Engine Marketing 


When someone searches for information or a keyword, SEM makes sure that your site appears at the top of search engine results. It uses a variety of techniques which helps the search engine to deliver your site to the web searchers. 


One must clearly understand SEO before using SEM. It is one of the most efficient ways to spread your business across in this competitive world. Some of the components of SEM are ad auction, bid and quality score. Your maximum bid for a keyword with a great quality score determines your ad position. 


Pay Per Click 


The fastest way to reach your target audience can be achieved through P P C campaigns. You pay each time when someone clicks on your ad. For example, if you pay 1 rupee per click and when 1000 people click your ad it will cost you 1000 rupees. Based on the CTR (click through rate) the performance of you ad campaign is determined. It generates faster results by targeting the right people at the right time and at the right place. Since it costs money it is suitable for businesses that sell product/services. 


Social Media Marketing 


The process of marketing through various social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram is known as Social Media Marketing. The primary objective of SMM is to produce content on social media that help an organization to increase brand awareness and customer reach. In social media companies can share content to achieve marketing goals. 


Display Advertising 


It is a form of conveying a message with elements like images, logos, graphics, audio or video to communicate to the target audience. Also known as banner ads, it gives a unique opportunity to re-target the ideal audience. You can also display ads to people based on their search behavior. Generally, display ads are seen alongside on search engines such as yahoo, Bing and Google. 


Content Marketing 


This type of marketing is done by creating and sharing free content to attract new prospects and retain existing customers. Informative content is shared in the form of articles, videos, info graphics etc. It helps in building strong relationships with your audience by providing them with relevant high quality contents. Your business goal should be aligned with content strategy to gain critical success. 


How a fresher would benefit from digital marketing? 


In digital world, online marketing is essential for running a successful business. Marketers these days are adapting from traditional to digital approach. 


Digital marketing provide small businesses with resources to perform sales and marketing that were previously available only for large companies. It ensures the survival of online businesses. Today, brands are putting more focus on digital marketing than ever before. Digital marketing skills are in serious demand and provide a unique competitive edge for one's career. It offers great opportunities around the world. There is a wide range of digital marketing roles which include jobs related to social media as well. It also provides a variety of opportunities to start your own career as an Entrepreneur. There are lots of benefits that digital marketing professionals can look forward in upcoming years. More companies embrace digital marketing as their primary marketing strategy which creates a plenty of job opportunities for freshers. The future of digital marketing seems to be very bright at the moment. 

What Is Digital Marketing? A Guide to Marketing in Today's Digital World
| 9:18 AM

By On 9:18 AM

In the world of business development and branding, going digital is all the buzz. So just what is digital marketing and how can we use it to grow our businesses? 


Digital Marketing Defined 


Digital marketing is the advertising and promotion of businesses and their brands through digital media channels. Digital media, at the moment, includes websites, social media, radio, television, mobile and even forms of traditionally non-digital media such as billboards and transit signs. Essentially any marketing media that is delivered electronically is considered digital marketing. 


This leaves only various forms of person-to-person (P2P) marketing, print advertising and direct marketing outside of the digital marketing umbrella. Even then, print ads, direct mail, print directories, billboards and posters are all starting to connect to their digital counterparts. With items like URL landing pages, QR codes, web banner advertising, online directories and text codes, traditional marketing and advertising almost always has a digital marketing connection. 


Why the Focus on Digital Media? 


The shift to digital media is being driven by marketing agencies, business owners and consumers alike. The ever-increasing demand to show quantifiable results makes going digital a dream for the digital marketing agency. Most digital media, including websites, social media and mobile advertising is much easier to track than traditional marketing media such as print advertising. 


For business owners, many forms of digital advertising are very low cost. Having a web presence, engaging customers in conversations through social media and e-mail marketing are low cost alternatives to print advertising and direct mail. These digital channels are available to businesses of any size, and help to even the playing field for start-ups, small businesses and independent consultants seeking new business. 


For consumers, the fast pace of life makes digital advertising a must. When consumers are in need of goods and services, gone are the days of thumbing through a phonebook to find them. Now, we whip out our mobile devices or head to our computers for answers - and we find them fast. 


Using Digital Media to Build Your Business and Brand 


No matter what size your business is - large or small to medium sized business / enterprise (SMB or SME) - you can effectively market your business through low-cost digital channels. The foundation of your marketing efforts will be your website. Invest wisely in your website, and be sure that it does the following: 





It is recommended that you work with a professional web design firm that is skilled in web development and search engine optimization. Because your website is the foundation to and from which all other digital channels will lead, it should be considered one of your top business investments. 


Once you have your website complete, the next steps would be to launch regular monthly or bi-monthly e-mail campaigns, and connect with customers via social media. If you are truly on a shoestring budget, these are efforts that can be done in-house (by someone with the proper knowledge) or for a low cost by an outside digital marketing agency. Be sure that all of your efforts lead customers back to your website where they can fully engage with your business, products and services, and choose the channels through which they contact you. 


If you're interested in getting aggressive with search marketing, you can set aside some digital marketing dollars for search engine optimization and pay-per-click advertising. Many businesses today rely heavily on being found online to gain new customers. A common misconception among business owners is that simply having a website means that customers will find it. Not so. Your site must be built with specific key words and phrases, meta data, page content and linking strategies that will help it reach top search rankings. 


Because many key words and phrases have stiff competition for top search rankings, you will need to supplement your organic search engine optimization efforts with pay-per-click advertising. Getting established with pay-per-click advertising campaigns can be a little daunting, but with a little time, effort and instruction, that too can be accomplished in-house, or for a reasonable cost through an outside digital marketing agency. 


Beyond e-mail, social media marketing and search engine marketing, you can venture into a host of other digital marketing efforts. Mobile advertising, radio, television, electronic billboards and much more are available as marketing outlets. Whatever digital efforts you choose, they should all connect and tie into your foundation - your company website. 


If you have the means, a wise investment would be to engage the services of a digital marketing agency to assist in your marketing efforts. Today, many digital agencies offer multiple levels of service to accommodate businesses large and small.

Why Is Digital Marketing So Important ?

By On 9:15 AM

Why is digital marketing so important? 

The next big hopes for the best results in business development and career growth. 


As the internet users across the world have been increased massively by year on year and when it compares to since 2000-2018 the ratio is increasing year by year. Now the fifty percent (50%) of the population around the world are using the internet. And by 2020 the active internet users are crossing 65% of the population across the world. 


The main reason to increase the active internet users in last few years is due to the high usage of smartphones, tablets, and other smart devices around the world. These are very handy and useful to carry along with people where ever they go. Considering all these points the online marketing is a vast and broadly open to all the people around the world to connect through multiple devices like (Mobile (Smartphone), Laptop, Desktop, Tablet, Smart TV etc.) So this is going to help the Digital Marketing industry to expand worldwide their online market everywhere without having any shops in a particular place. 


Now let us know the importance and the advantages of Digital Marketing. 

The important thing in the digital marketing it is very easy to adapt and connect with the target audience worldwide. There are multiple chapters under digital marketing category which is coming with different modules. A few prime modules details have been briefly given below for the reference. 


The prime chapters in digital marketing courses 


1 Websites (for online presence) 

2 Content Marketing 

3 SEO/ Search Engine Optimization 

4 Google Ads 

5 Social Media Marketing/ Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram etc. 

6 Email Marketing 

7 Mobile Marketing 

8 Social Media Optimization 

9 Online Reputations Management 

10 Analytics 


So when the industrialist, business owner, service providers understand these methods why those are very important in the digital marketing field and the need of online presence for any business in current situation then this will become very easy to implement the online marketing strategies in their industry or field. 


Digital Marketing job openings are everywhere around the world. Need to learn digital marketing courses thoroughly to perform well in the industry. When you complete the digital marketing training from the institute at Academy, your confidence level would be high and you can easily get the job as desired. 


The Main Channels of Digital Marketing Courses 




The online presence is very very important to any of the business for the present generation in the current marketing situation as without the website or information on online about your business which can't be taken far away. So that the websites which is having the complete details about your business and gives more information to your clients or consumers and makes them know more about your business and its functions. So without the online presence, it is hard to reach more people and create the awareness about the products and brand name. 


Content Marketing 


Why is content very important in digital Marketing field or online marketing? As the content is the king of all the other chapters of digital marketing or online marketing because when consumer visit a shop directly to purchase or inquire about any of the product in the shops the shopkeeper will explain them thoroughly the features and benefits of the products. 


But when it comes to the online platform, the content itself will act/work as a sales executive or shopkeeper so here the content will be your representative on behalf of your business. So the content is going to bring more customer, visitors or business towards your website when you write a unique content on your webpage by itself the content starts speaking about your products and companies. 


SEO/ Search Engine Optimization 


This is one of the processes which allow you to list and run your websites online or search engines like (Google, Bing, Yahoo,, AOL, Baidu, DuckDuckGo etc.) without making any payment to them. But the very important thing in this is it is not so easy to rank in SERP/ Search engine result page as there are several websites have already been listed under these search engine platforms so which needs to work hard to rank better in search engine result page. This process is called as a Search Engine Optimization. 


Google Ads 


Google ads are one of the very best tools to promote the products, services, or brands anywhere and everywhere across the world. The tool Google AdWords which is consists of multiple options in this software. Google Ads will provide an instant result for any campaigns. To create a better a campaign of your brand awareness and services the Google ads will provide a very good platform for the business owners, corporate sectors and the service providers around the world to reach their target audience through the Google AdWords channel. It is one of the main paid modules digital marketing courses. 


SMM / Social Media Marketing 


Social media marketing is one of the very effective methods in digital marketing strategies. The social media marketing tools are involved with various social media sites. The major SMM tools are (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram, etc.) these tools are very effective to reach the people around the world within a few seconds of time. By using or implementing the strategies of social media in any kind of services or business field is really going to give them the hundred percent results in their Social Media Marketing campaigns. SMM can be learned with digital marketing courses. 


Email Marketing 


Email marketing is one of the very old marketing methods and effective ways to send an individual newsletter and other subjects to the particular person by using the one's e-mail id. This form will exist even in future too, in spite of many others marketing channels, however, the e-mail marketing will be continued as earlier without any hamper. As an email marketing methods are completely different than the other marketing methods. It is also one of the main modules of Digital Marketing courses. 


Mobile Marketing 


The word mobile marketing sounds very familiar to each of us due to the people are very familiar and fond of with this device. Hence, this will be one of the most important factors of marketing with this tool. There is no limit for using of mobile phones and the device will be with the people at all the time. So the mobile marketing which targets the audience or users of active internet users and non-active internet users on their mobile phones. The difference between active internet users and non-active internet users when the user is using the smartphone with data on his device this can be considered as an active internet user. 


Non-active is not connected with data or internet. There are multiple options to reach the non-active internet users by sending a text message, voice message and by calling directly to their contact number and letting them know about the features and services of the product. For active internet users, you can directly reach or send to their inbox (email), WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter and other social media accounts as well. These kinds of marketing strategies are followed in mobile marketing. This module is also consisting of digital marketing courses. 


To learn the entire processes of Digital Marketing Courses need to join a reputed digital marketing training institute. At the institute in Bangalore, we train the students from basics to advanced level marketing methods and strategies of online marketing. Which has to be followed thoroughly and this will help them to learn each step during their training with practical knowledge. 


When you read all the above-mentioned information, you can easily understand that the importance of digital marketing and the trends of current online marketing situations also the advantages and benefits of its implementation in any of the industry, business or services around the world to promote and reach more of your targeted audience/Customers across the globe to get better results on the ROI/ return on the investments. So the digital marketing industry is going to be the next hopes for better business results and career growth in coming years.

Cara Disable Signature Android
| 9:01 AM

By On 9:01 AM

Pada pembahasan kali ini admin ingin membahas tentang cara disable signature android.

Bagi yang belum paham, disable signature adalah proses penghentian signature key khusus keluaran pihak ketiga yang terdapat dalam android.

Disable Signature ini merupakan proses penting untuk oprek android, karena jika ROM kalian belum di disable signature kemungkinan besar akan bootlop.

Ada 2 cara yang bisa dipakai untuk disable signature, pertama menggunakan aplikasi lucky patcher dan kedua menggunakan apktool.
Saya disini membahas disable signature menggunakaan apktool.

Bahan bahan yang harus disiapkan adalah apktool dan quick editor,


dan download quick editor di play store.

Cara menggunakan apktool sudah dibahas di post sebelumnya, silahkan dicheck.

Jika apktool dan quick editor sudah terpasang lanjut ke proses selanjutnya.

caranya sebagai berikut :
1. buat folder baru dengan nama bebas di sdcard

2. pindahkan service.jar kedalam folder yang kalian buat, letar service.jar ada di (root-system-framework-disini)

3. kemudian kalian decompile service.jar nya

4. buka  smali\com\android\server\pm\PackageManagerService.smali

5.  cari kode berikut :

.method static compareSignatures([Landroid/content/pm/Signature;[Landroid/content/pm/Signature;)I
.locals 7
if-nez p0, :cond_8
if-nez p1, :cond_6
const/4 v6, 0x1
return v6
const/4 v6, -0x1
goto :goto_5
if-nez p1, :cond_c
const/4 v6, -0x2
goto :goto_5
new-instance v3, Ljava/util/HashSet;
invoke-direct {v3}, Ljava/util/HashSet;-><init>()V
move-object v0, p0
array-length v2, v0
const/4 v1, 0x0
if-ge v1, v2, :cond_1e
aget-object v5, v0, v1
invoke-virtual {v3, v5}, Ljava/util/HashSet;->add(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
add-int/lit8 v1, v1, 0x1
goto :goto_14
new-instance v4, Ljava/util/HashSet;
invoke-direct {v4}, Ljava/util/HashSet;-><init>()V
move-object v0, p1
array-length v2, v0
const/4 v1, 0x0
if-ge v1, v2, :cond_30
aget-object v5, v0, v1
invoke-virtual {v4, v5}, Ljava/util/HashSet;->add(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
add-int/lit8 v1, v1, 0x1
goto :goto_26
invoke-virtual {v3, v4}, Ljava/util/HashSet;->equals(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
move-result v6
if-eqz v6, :cond_38
const/4 v6, 0x0
goto :goto_5
const/4 v6, -0x3
goto :goto_5
.end method

6. kemudian kalian replice semua dengan kode berikut :

.method static compareSignatures([Landroid/content/pm/Signature;[Landroid/content/pm/Signature;)I
.locals 7
const/4 v0, 0x0
return v0
.end method

7. save

8. recompile n sign

9. pindahkan ketempat asalnya service.jar

10. reboot

Demikian lah cara disable signature android, bila ada kesalahan mohon maaf karna saya juga masih belajar. Trima kasih
Disable signature merupakan proses penghentian atau penonaktifan pemeriksaan signature key khusus keluaran vendor maupun pihak ketiga yang terdapat di dalam aplikasi android

Disable signature merupakan proses penghentian atau penonaktifan pemeriksaan signature key khusus keluaran vendor maupun pihak ketiga yang terdapat di dalam aplikasi android

Disable signature merupakan proses penghentian atau penonaktifan pemeriksaan signature key khusus keluaran vendor maupun pihak ketiga yang terdapat di dalam aplikasi android


Pengenalan C++, Apa Itu C++?
| 9:00 AM

By On 9:00 AM

C++ adalah salah satu bahasa pemprograman populer yang sudah terbukti banyak digunakan oleh para praktisi dan ilmuwan untuk mengembangkan program program (aplikasi) berskala besar seperti games (program permainan di komputer), program untuk penelitian di bidang sains, embedded system dan lain-lain. Bahkan, C++ juga dapat digunakan untuk mengembangkan aplikasi berbasis web, yang sering disebut dengan program CGI (Common Gateway Interface). Selama ini, banyak yang mengira bahwa aplikasi web hanya dapat dikembangkan dengan PHP, ASP, JSP, maupun Perl. Namun, sebenarnya dengan C++ pun kita bisa melakukan.

Saat ini banyak sekali beredar bahasa pemprograman baru yang saling bersaing guna menjaring banyaknya pengguna dan juga popularitas. Akan tetapi, pada kenyataannya, C++ masih menjadi idola dan merupakan tiga peringkat teratas dari bahasa-bahasa yang paling banyak digunakan oleh para programmer (skala internasional), selain bahasa C dan Java. Selain ketiga bahasa pemprograman tersebut, bahasa lain yang mulai beranjak naik dan mulai banyak penggunaannya adalah
Python dan Ruby.


Pada mulanya bahasa komputer digunakan untuk membantu dalam melakukan perhitungan-perhitungan telematis. Ketika itu, bahasa yang digunakan masih primitif sekali karena masih berupa bahasa mesin yang hanya mengenal angka 1 dan 0. Selanjutnya bahasa mesin tersebut disederhanakan menjadi bahasa yang agak dipahami dengan menghadirkan statemen-statemen khusus yang disebut dengan istilah mnemonic seperti ADD, MOV, JMP dan yang lainnya. Bahasa ini disebut dengan bahasa Assembly yang masih termasuk ke dalam bahasa tingkat rendah (low level language).

Tahun 1969, laboratorium Bell ATT&T di Muray Hill, New Jersey menggunakn bahasa Assembly ini untuk mengembangkan sistem operasi UNIX. Maksudnya adalah untuk membuat sistem operasi yang dapat bersifat "programmer-friendly". Setelah UNIX berjalan, Ken Thompson, seorang pengembang sistem di laboratorium tersebut mengembangkan compiler baru dengan nama bahasa B. Huruf B ini diambil dari BCPL. Bahasa B ini kemudian digunakan untuk menulis ulang atau merevisi sistem operasi UNIX. Oleh karena bahasa B ini masih bersifat interpret dan lambat, masa pada tahub 1971, sistem operasi UNIX kemudian ditulis ulang dengan menggunakan bahasa C, yaitu bahasa pemprograman yang dikembangkan oleh Dennis Ritchie, seorang pengembang sistem di laboratorium yang sama.

Sampai sekarang bahasa C masih digunakan untuk melakukan pengembangan-pengembangan program dan sistem-sistem operasi, diantaranya sistem operasi Windows dan Linux. Alasan itulah yang menjadikan bahasa C sangat populer didunia pemprograman, khususnya untuk industri perangkat lunak. Namun sayangnya bahasa C merupakan bahasa yang masih tergolong susah untuk dipelajari karena masih bersifat prosedural murni. Untuk membentuk satu objek, kita harus melakukan banyak sekali penulisan kode. Hal ini tentu akan dikatakan sebagai sebuah kelemahan. Untuk mengatasi masalah ini, pada tahun 1983, seorang doktor bernama  Bjarne Stroustrup yang saat itu juga bekerja di laboratorium yang sama menciptakan bahasa baru yaitu bahasa C++ yang merupakan bahasa turunan dari bahasa C.

Bahasa C++ didasarkan atas bahasa C sehingga kita dapat melakukan kompilasi program-program yang ditulis dalam bahasa C dengan menggunakan compiler C++. Keistimewaan dari bahasa C++ adalah bahasa ini mendukung pemprograman berarah objek atau yang lebih sering dikenal dengan istilah Object Oriented Programming ( OOP ).

Sumber : Buku Pemprograman C++ (Budi Raharjo)

Cara Restart/Reboot android cepat tanpa bootanimations
| 8:46 AM

By On 8:46 AM

Cara reboot cepat tanpa masuk ke bootanimations.

Tentu banyak yang kesal kan kalo mau reboot android nya karna lama masuk ke homescreen lagi,
Tenang guys saya juga sama, apalagi pas lagi ngoprek android yang mengharuskan android kita di reboot :D

Oke langsung ikuti langkah berikut :


1. Root explorer (download di playstore atau Disini )
2. Hp sudah di root
3. Punya hp android :D


1. Download dan buka root explorer

2. Ijinkan root explorer pada akses root

3. Masuk ke system --> build.prop

4. Cara masuk ke build.prop dengan cara menekan lalu pilih open in text editor.

5. Lalu scrool sampe ke paling bawah, dan beri enter.

6. tambahkan text debug.sf.nobootanimation=1


6. Save and exit

7. Reboot

Itu dia cara reboot cepat tanpa masuk ke bootanimations.
Jangan lupa backup dulu sebelum bertindak.

Cara install TWRP & ROOT Xiaomi Redmi 4, 4a, 4prime
| 10:12 PM

By On 10:12 PM

Admin ingin berbagi masalah basic dan classic tentang android.
yups betul, yang mau admin share kali ini adalah tentang cara pasang TWRP dan ROOT,
Tetapi admin kali ini hanya ingin berbagi untuk para pengguna xiaomi redmi 4,4a,4prime.

Cara yang admin bagikan kali ini adalah cara yang sangat simple dan sangat mudah, tidak perlu tulis tulis dimenu CMD, karna admin juga pernah ngalamin kalo mau pasang TWRP harus tulis ini itu dll.
karna menurut saya itu ribet, karna saya masih newbie hehe.

Jadi yang admin bagikan ini cuma tinggal ketik ENTER ENTER saja, woww simple bukan,
oke langsung saja tutor nya min.

1. download bahan lalu extrak.  (bahan ada dibawah post ini)

2. install minimal_adb_fastboot_v1.1.3_setup

3. lalu pindahkan file keluar folder atau ke sdcard

4. lalu klik 2x Installer TWRP Redmi 4a, 4, 4 Prime

5. kemudian pilih type hp kalian (misalnya saya pake redmi 4 prime, saya klik 3 lalu enter)

6. setelah itu masuk ke menu fastboot di hp kalian, caranya: matikan hp, tekan tombol power dan vol bawah bersamaan

7. lalu sambungkan kabel data dari hp ke pc

8. lalu kalian tinggal ketik enter enter saja sampai masuk kemenu TWRP dengan otomatis.

9. jika sudah masuk ke TWRP kalian pilih install

10. lalu cari dimana tadi kalian simpan, lalu install


Nah itu dia cara sangat simple yang dapat admin bagikan.
mohon maaf bila ada kesalahan dalam tulisan.


download bahan : TWRP & Root

Tutorial Deodex android dengan mengunakan APKTOOL
| 10:08 PM

By On 10:08 PM

Pada pembahasan kali ini admin ingin berbagi ilmu tentang android, yaitu cara DEODEX.

Pasti kalian sudah tidak asing lagi dengan istilah odex dan deodex rom.
Pengertian singkat Deodex adalah Menggabungkan antara APK dan ODEX menjadi satu, pada dasarnya deodex sebagai pengemas ulang APK bersama dengan ODEX (dalam file yang bernama classes.dex).
Jadi dengan deodex kamu akan memiliki semua konten dari sebuah  aplikasi disatu APK yang membuatnya lebih mudah untuk memodifikasi android.

Cara Deodex sendiri ada banyak, ada yang menggunakan tool di PC, aplikasi android, dan yang terakhir dengan APKTOOL.

Yang ingin saya bagikan adalah Deodex dengan menggunakan APKTOOL.
Bahan yang diperlukan adalah APKTOOL, Root explorer, dan tentunya punya HP android :)))
Kalian bisa download  APKTOOL , dan download root explorernya ROOT EXPLORER

Langkah langkahnya sebagai berikut :

1. buat folder di sdcard dengan nama apa saja (contoh namanya apktool)
2. kemudian copy file yang ingin kalian deodex (contoh systemUI.apk)
3. masuk ke folder systemUI kemudain ambil file yang bernama systemUI.odex kemudian kalian pindahkan ke dalam folder yang tadi kalian buat di sdcard.
4. kemudian masuk ke dalam folder framework, kalian ambil file yang bernama boot.oat dan boot.arm dan kalian pindahkan juga ke dalam file yang tadi kalian buat di sdcard.
5. buka apktool lalu klik pada systemUI.dex dan pilih class to dex.
6. akan muncul file baru bernama systemUI.dex
7. kemudian kalian rename systemUI.dex menjadi classes.dex
8. lalu pindahkan systemUI.apk kedalam folder yg tadi kalian buat
9. pastikan didalam folder itu tidak ada yang berformat .apk kecuali systemUI.apk
10. lalu klik pada classes.dex dan pilih add to apk
11. dan systemUI.apk sudah anda sudah deodex secara otomatis
12. terakhir kalian pindahkan sytemUI.apk ke folder asalnya.

Itulah cara deodex android dengan menngunakan apktool, mohon maaf jika ada kesalan karna saya juga masih belajar, dan jika ada pertanyaan silahkan tulis di comment dengan bahasa sopan. dan JANGAN LUPA BACKUP BUAT JAGA-JAGA KALO BOOTLOP :D

Pengertian Init.d dan cara installnya
| 9:34 PM

By On 9:34 PM



Hallo semua kembali lagi dengan blog tekno kita, pada kali ini saya mau membahas tentang Android.
Pasti kalian pernah dengar dengan istilah tweak / untuk mempercepat kinerja android, baik kecepatan internet, daya batre, maupun untuk urusan gaming.

Dalam pemasangan tweak ini ada banyak macam, ada yang langsung nambah di build.prop dan pasang di dalam init.d dll.
Nah kali ini saya akan berbagi cara pasang init.d.

Sebelumnya kalian cek dulu dalam file system/etc apakah sudah ada folder init.d ? Kalo sudah ada abaikan tutorial ini :D kalau belum ada ikuti tutorial dibawah.

Init.d memiliki arti sebuah fungsi khusus yang memainkan peran penting dalam dunia pengembangan dan kustomisasi android yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk menginstal script lain dan melakukan modifikasi untuk dijalankan pada saat pertama start booting android.


1. Download dan pasang aplikasi universal init.d Disini
2. Izinkan aplikasi pada verifikasi root
3. Pada enabling init.d support kalian pencet activate


4. Lalu kalian reboot hp kalian
5. Done

Nah sekarang kalian sudah bebas untuk memasang tweak yang dipasang di init.d tanpa takut bootlop.

Jangan lupa back up sebelum bertindak guys untuk berjaga-jaga.

Demikian cara pasang init.d dari kita, mudah bukan?