Looks like battleMETAL will fill some Mechwarrior 2 nostalgia
| 3:23 AM

By On 3:23 AM

Just came across this cool video and project which aims to implement a Mecha game and SDK on the Quake1 engine (Darkplaces specifically):

You can find more details on their website and the Github repository.

Art assets are apparently not available yet due to some non-free placeholders, but I hope this will be changed soon. Also no multiplayer, but that might be possible to fix.

Also really cool would be a Occulus Quest VR port via the already available and quite awesome Darkplaces VR port called QuakeQuest.

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Shoot Your Goo, fun puzzle platformer made with FTEQW in 48h!
| 3:22 AM

By On 3:22 AM

Shoot Your Goo is (despite its name) a family friendly puzzle platformer made in just 48h for the GMTK Game Jam 2019. It could be described as a mix of Angry Birds and mini-golf, but see for yourself:

The source-code can be found here, and you can head over to InsideQC to discuss with the creators.

The team who made this has become quite proficient in turning out interesting game prototypes (Bloodletter, Escape from Space etc.)  with the very cool FTEQW engine... a much advanced Quake1 derived engine (unofficial developer's documentation on the QuakeWiki & source code).

There are also a few other interesting projects with FTEQW, such as CubiQuake, FreeCS, and it has even gotten to the point of being nearly ready as a functional drop in replacement engine for Xonotic.

Semi-OT: Trenchbroom, the modern take on Quake engine mapping is continuing with great improvements and should be on your list to check out for sure

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