| 9:28 PM
LOIC "Low Orbit Ion Cannon"
On 9:28 PM
Admin akan berbagi salah satu tools yang ada didalam pembelajaran "BUKU SAKTI HACKER", tool ini bernama "LOIC (Low Orbit Ion Cannon)", untuk penjelasan lebih lengkap mengenai tool ini dapat dilihat dibawah ini :
LOIC was first developed by Praetox Technologies and later released into the public domain, the source code is now freely available and you can download LOIC below as it’s now hosted on several open source platforms.
The Low Orbin Ion Cannon performs a fairly basic TCP, UDP or HTTP DoS attack and when used by multiple individuals as it normally is, a DDoS attack. The popularity came about as it has a version by Anonymous with an IRC based control channel that allows people to join voluntary botnets and attack single targets (often led by 4chan or Anonymous themselves).
Untuk toolnya dapat didownload di link dibawah ini :
LOIC "Low Orbit Ion Cannon" (Download No RIBET) = LOIC "Low Orbit Ion Cannon"
Bagi yang belum tau apa itu "BUKU SAKTI HACKER" dapat dilihat Buku Sakti Hacker
LOIC was first developed by Praetox Technologies and later released into the public domain, the source code is now freely available and you can download LOIC below as it’s now hosted on several open source platforms.
The Low Orbin Ion Cannon performs a fairly basic TCP, UDP or HTTP DoS attack and when used by multiple individuals as it normally is, a DDoS attack. The popularity came about as it has a version by Anonymous with an IRC based control channel that allows people to join voluntary botnets and attack single targets (often led by 4chan or Anonymous themselves).
Untuk toolnya dapat didownload di link dibawah ini :
LOIC "Low Orbit Ion Cannon" (Download No RIBET) = LOIC "Low Orbit Ion Cannon"
Bagi yang belum tau apa itu "BUKU SAKTI HACKER" dapat dilihat Buku Sakti Hacker